Build Chapter 6

1. MEmory Verses

Quizlet Memory Verse Tool — a great tool to help you with the memory verses for each chapter.

2. Share Your Story

We’d like to ask you to share your story about how the Building Your Finances God’s Way study has impacted your life. This online testimonial platform has you answer three questions and even record a video that can encourage, motivate and impact others. We would love to hear your story- click here to get started!

3. Application Worksheets

Day 5:

Day 6:

4. Day Six Tools & Resources

Watch the Building Your Finances God’s Way Video — Finishing Well

Download the video transcript


Listen to the Day 6 Audio Notes

5. See Their Story!

See how the desire to finish well changed this top executive’s life forever! If you think this story will encourage others, please share this video!